Monday, June 30, 2008

June 22, 2008

Evan Todd has made his grand arrival into this world. He chose to come 8 days early and facing sideways, resulting in 18 hours of labor and then a C-section. He weighed in at 9lbs 12 1/2 ounces and was 21 3/4 inches long (this added to the need for the C-section). He also chose to come with some extra fluid in his lungs resulting in a problem called transient tachypnea of the newborn (TTN). This basically means there was too much fluid in his lungs (wet lungs) and it caused a rapid respratory rate and a low oxygen saturation rate. The hospital where Evan was born only has a level 1 nursery so they did everything they could for the first two days but he had to be transfered to the NICU at Florida Children's Hospital in Orlando Tuesday night. It is now almost a week later and we're still here. He is doing great and there is a strong possibility he will go home tomorrow. He has gone from being under an oxyhood, to having a nasal canula (the thing in the nose), to now no additional oxygen...he's had an IV in both hands, then in his arm, then two in his head, then just one in his head, to now no IV's...he's had a tube down his throat into his belly for feedings and now is breast/bottle feeding. We are now just waiting for him to eat a bit better and he can go home. This is by far the condensed version of what has been going on. It would take me hours to go into the detail needed for everyone to understand what we've been going through. Never in a million years did I ever think I'd be going through something like this. I had a picture perfect pregnancy, I thought my delivery would be the same way. None the less, my preciouse son is here and he is just wonderful! I am already amazed at how strong he is and what a trooper he can be. He doesn't even cry when his foot gets pricked everyday to check his sugar levels. We are 45 mins to an hour away from home right now so that has only made this experience even more difficult. We are staying at the Ronald McDonald House which is a charity that I will fully support for the rest of my life! (Save your soda can pop tops and donate them to a Ronald McDonald House near you!!) Just please pray that he continues to improve and that we will be home in a day or so. In the mean time, take a look at our precious little boy!!


  1. congratulations elodie!! he is beautiful!! i know EXACTLY what you are going through. (i hope you had the chance to read my blog before having him!!) if you need to talk, please email me. i was just there with you, sister!! i will have your little one (and mama and daddy) in our prayers!! and i had an awesome nurse tell me and now i'll tell will be just a memory soon. he just had a rough start but will be FINE!!!

  2. Oh Elodie, he is GORGEOUS! Congratulations. I will be praying for you guys, God's gonna take care of this.

    ;) Love you!!!

  3. here is a website that one of our night NICU nurses created after meeting us, actually. i thought you might find it helpful...or anyone you know might. hope you are coming home in the next day or 2!!

  4. he is so so sweet! i too had a c-section w/ ethan (no nicu for him though), and his birth was not exactly what i was expected. but guess what? we just celebrated his 3rd birthday today, and becky is right, it is all just a memory. definitely a memory i won't forget, but it is just that... a memory. i can't wait to see more pictures. he is such a cute little chunker!!
