Thursday, November 13, 2008

Little jumping bean

where has this thing been the last 4 months! seriously! i have finally found something that works. unlike many babies, evan is not a big fan of the swing, vibrating bouncy seat, floor activity gym thing, etc. he would usually tolerate these contraptions for a few minutes and then beg (i.e. scream) to get out. his usual favorite past time is to "stand" on your lap. this is not only tiresome but inconvenient for long periods of time. lately, he started "jumping" while standing on your lap. we decided it was time to invest in a jumparoo. this was money well spent. he LOVES it! it's the only thing that keeps him content when mommy needs to get something done or it's time for dinner.
he even falls asleep it it! as he's dozing off, he'll still jump now and then. it's pretty cute to watch. if only i could get the video's from my camera to play on my computer, you could see how much he loves this thing. so for all you mom's with little jumping beans of your own, get a jumparoo, you won't regret it!


  1. So cute! I wish I had known you needed one. We've got the exact same one and Charlie hates it. I would have sent you ours. After he ourgrew the vibrating bouncy seat (oh, how I miss that thing!) we went to the jumperoo. We used it as you are, a way to get something else done. Well, Charlie figured this out quickly and got mad if you walked away with him in it.

  2. Note taken ... so glad you are a few months ahead of me to pass the advice on=)

  3. :) He is ADORABLE L-O-D! I can't believe he is big enough to do that!

    Love you!
