what a big boy we have! he is growing and changing so much these days. he is so active too. he doesn't like to be held for too long (unless he nursing or getting a bottle), he just wants down so he can play. he crawls across the room so fast, usually with one of his toys dangling out of his mouth. he's cruising all around the living room too. he makes it very clear that he has got places to go!! he has also started to try and stand on his own, just for a few seconds at a time. he has become my little shadow , following me everywhere. we've given up trying to barricade him into the living room. he can climb over, or under, anything we put in his way. he finally discovered the dog food and he'll pitch a royal fit when i remove him from myer's bowl. he is all about asserting his independence. eating is really a struggle lately. he wants to feed himself, which is fine, except he gets tired of eating after a few bites. i just keep telling myself that he'll eat when he's hungry. he is totally recovered from his rotavirus experience so now we are just waiting for him to gain some weight back (which is why the lack of eating has me nervous at times). he's a long little thing (30 inches)and just about 20 pounds. but he does have my chunky thighs (poor guy)! evan has his own little language. he will talk to himself all day long. he talks to everyone we see when we're out running errands and he'll try to mimic the sounds that we make. it is amazing to watch that little brain work!
the fauxhawk make an appearance after bath time
laying in the playhouse with his snack cup
monthly picture time is getting tough...evan goes right for the sign
we took our first LONG distance road trip to north carolina during spring break. he did so well. we put him in his big car seat so i think the extra room helped his comfort level. he got to meet almost everyone on todd's dad's side of the family. they all loved him (of course).
trying to catch a bubble
babies and tulips...what could be better!
above all, we are just having so much fun with him. happy 10 months evan!